The PCO - Issue 108 | October/November 2023 Edition

Issue No. 108, Oct/Nov '23 edition of the PCO magazine - an edition that's all about 'Mental Health & Wellbeing' in the Events Industry. The events industry is known for its fast-paced, high-pressure environment and the toll it can take on mental health is a topic that deserves our attention. In this latest issue of IAPCO's PCO magazine, we explore the challenges that PCOs and their teams face regarding mental health and wellbeing and share practical advice. Aligned with the World Health Organization's observance of World Mental Health Day on 10 October, the latest edition reflects on the awareness the day (and indeed the month of October) aims to raise, with expert insights and innovative strategies for recognising and addressing the challenges faced in our dynamic industry. Together, we can make a positive impact on our industry's wellbeing.