The PCO - Issue 107 | August 2023 Edition
The latest edition of The PCO magazine, on the theme of ‘DIGITAL: Redefining Engagement and Connectivity'. Featuring On Point articles on the theme provided by IAPCO members AIM Group International, Conference Partners International, Congrex Switzerland, ICOM, WebCoast Events Inc., Kenes Group, MCI and Ortra Ltd. Including the latest news and updates from the IAPCO member community and IAPCO, including IAPCO CEO’s recent trip to Latin America, IAPCO Partnership with Leeds Beckett University and an introduction to our new Membership and Quality etc. New in this edition is a UN SDG Spotlight feature supported by our newest destination partner, Fáilte Ireland and the IAPCO Next Gen Perspective with insights from the committee. Also, advertorials from IAPCO Partners Dubai Business Events, Hamburg Convention Bureau, Japan National Tourism Organisation (JNTO), Rwanda Convention Bureau and IAPCO AM&GA 2023 Host, Jerusalem CVB.