The PCO - Issue 106 | June 2023 Edition
The latest edition of IAPCO's 'The PCO' magazine, on the theme of 'Engagement'. Featuring On Point articles on the theme provided by AFEA Travel and Congress Services, Arinex Pty Ltd and CPO HANSER SERVICE GmbH Covering the latest news, events and upcoming engagement opportunities with IAPCO, including the CEO Leadership Program, Our New Destination Partner - Fáilte Ireland, IAPCO Council Meeting in Prague, IAPCO Innovation Award 2022, upcoming EDGE Seminars - LATAM and Antwerp, NZICC-IAPCO Partnership with Next Generation Leaders Program. Including the latest news from the IAPCO member community from AFEA Travel and Congress Services, Arinex Pty Ltd, Congrés Inc and CONVIN S.A.