å återbetalningsvillkor Policies which determine allowable reasons and time lines under which fee for a meeting or show will be refunded in whole or in part.
à conto-inbetalning Money received on account for payment.
à la carte Menu with price stated for each item offered, as opposed to a fixed price for an entire meal.
ackreditering Official authorization to cover an event. The process of granting such authorization.
ackrediteringsformulär Document for official authorization.
ackrediteringskommitté Committee formed to verify that individuals have the necessary qualifications to attend a meeting or become a member of an association.
ackrediteringskommitté Committee who supervises all the matters relevant to the official authorization to cover an event.
ackrediteringsregler Established principle or mode of action to be followed in order to obtain the accreditation.
ackrediteringsskylt Identifying tag used for official authorization.
ad hoc-kommitté; specialkommitté Committee formed on a temporary basis to discuss a specific item.
administration Organization and management.
administrativ chef; administrativ direktör Executive responsible for day-to-day operations of an organization.
adresslista Contains the names and addresses of the persons to whom publicity material or other information is to be sent.
affärscentrum; business centre Area in hotel or meeting venue offering various office facilities.
affischtavla/reklamtavla a large outdoor board for advertising
affischutställning Area with display of posters.
ajournering av mötet Suspension of the meeting either indefinitely or until a later date.
aktivt språk The language being used by the speaker.
Algoritm An algorithm is a set of formulas developed for a computer to perform a certain function. This is important in the social sphere as the algorithms sites like Facebook and Google use are critical for developing content-sharing strategies.
alliera sig med joining in pursuit of common interest
allmänna upplysningar Document or letter sent to all registered delegates confirming that they are fully registered for the event giving details of where and when they register their attendance, confirmation of residential accommodation, bookings for special events, etc.
allmänna upplysningar Information of interest to all participants.
ambassad national representation in another country
amfiteater a circular building with seats rising in tiers around a central open space
anamorfick lins Lens adapter designed to produce a wide-screen image.
ändringar Changes made by the client after any part of the production process has begun. Usually billed as extra charges.
angränsande rum Rooms with common walls which do not have connecting doors.
animation Slide technique which creates an illusion of movement when used in rapid sequence.
anmälan för praktisk presentation Form requesting authorization to give a demonstration.
anmälan för presentation av ett föredrag Form for submission of an abstract to support an application to present a paper; for assessment and screening by a selection committee, often referred to as an "abstract form".
anmälan för visning av film Identification card to enable exhibitors to gain access to an exhibition.
anmälan på plats Process of signing up for an event on the day of, or at the site of, the event.
anmälanför presentation av poster Form for presentation of a poster for inclusion in a poster session; submitted for assessment and screening by a selection committee.
anmälningsavgift; registreringsavgift; deltagaravgift Amount payable for attendance at a meeting; may vary according to level of participation, type of membership, or date registration is submitted.
anmälningsbekräftelse Official acknowledgement of receipt of registration and fees.
anmälningsformulär; anmälningsblankett Document upon which a participant at an event gives all relevant information about him/herself and his/her intended participation in the conference and associated activities.
anskaffning av mede Process of obtaining money and funds from additional sources other than registration fees.
anslagstavla Board displaying one or more notices or warnings.
anslutande rum Two or more rooms with private connecting doors permitting access between them.
antal 1. Total number of attendees for a given period 2. Total number of exhibitors for a given period.
antal närvarande Actual number of people attending a function.
antal övernattningar The nights spent by the participant: – during the meeting ;
antal simultantolkade språk Total number of languages into which speeches are being interpreted (including the floor language).
API An API is a documented interface that allows one software application to interact with another application. An example of this is the Twitter API.
APP (applikation) A mobile application that can be donwloaded and used directly from the users personal mobile device or it can be a web-based application that can be accessed via a smartphone that is specifically formated for smartphones
APP store A service for iPhone and iPad users which allows them to browse and download mobile applications as well as music or video files
arbetsgrupp Group with a specific task at which the participants discuss a particular subject, analysing it from all possible angles. It is usually intended to arrive at a common position within the group for the proposal to a higher body of a solution to that problem. Also, group meeting to learn a particular technique by means of the practical application of the methods and techniques in question.
arbetslunch Light meal for small discussion groups, without a break from working sessions.
arbetsplan A collection of all details relative to a meeting’s needs. This will include sleeping room information, billing arrangements and meeting requirements including food, beverage and audio-visual.
arbetsprogram Timetable of meeting content.
arbetssession Every prearranged session of a meeting.
arbetsspråk Language in which the various aspects of a meeting are conducted in practice.
arrangemang; samkväm Gatherings for social purposes.
återbetalning Money repaid.
Återtwittra A retweet is when someone on Twitter sees your message and decides to re-share it with his/her followers. A retweet button allows them to quickly resend the message with attribution to the original sharer’s name.
audiovisuell Using both sight and sound eg combining radio and television techniques.
audio-visuella hjälpmedel; av-hjälpmedel Audio and visual support for meeting, us. ally taking the form of film, slides, overhead projection, flip charts and blackboards.
avbrytande av mötet Definite break in meeting for a specific and unprogrammed reason.
avreseskatt Fee collected from traveler by host country at time of departure.
avslutningsceremoni Formal closing of a meeting.
avslutningssession; avslutningsmóte Last session of a meeting in which the subjects which have been discussed are summarized and conclusions may be announced.
avstå to decline to use ones vote
avvikelse Departure of individual passenger from established group itinerary.
axeltolk Only interpreter in the team assigned to a meeting who is able to translate out of a lesser used language and functions as a "relay" for the rest of the team in relation to that language.
ayslutningsanförande; ayslutningstal Speech given to close a meeting. This may often include the result(s) of the meeting (recommendations).
båglampa High-intensity light source for large screens or long projection distances.
bakgrundsmusik Music accompanying the arrival or departure of guests.
bakkant av scen Part of the stage farthest from the audience or camera, as opposed to downstage
bakomutrymme Equipment storage area at show site, usually draped off area in exhibition hall/unsold space.
bakprojektíon Image projected on the back surface of a screen placed between the viewer and the projecter.
bandbredd the bit-rate of available or consumed information capacity expressed typically in metric multiples of bits per second. 
bandspelare Magnetic recording/reproduction apparatus in which the recording medium takes the form of a magnetic tape.
bandspelare Machine designed only for playback of recorded magnetic tapes.
bandspelare Machine which can be used both for recording tapes and for playing back prerecorded tapes.
banér Suspended panel for decor or graphics. May be cloth or rigid material.
bankcheck Payment format issued by a bank.
bankett; festmiddag Normally a formally seated dinner in the evening with sometimes speeches given in the presence of or by a VIP (Very Important Person).
bankgaranti Guarantee on the part of a bank that it will pay in the event of default, so that no enquiries regarding the solvency of the person or body in question are needed.
banköverföring Movement of funds between banks or from one bank account to another.
banköverföring Money forwarded by or to a bank.
banktjänster The carrying out of financial operations.
bärbar PC Computer capable of being carried about readily from place to place and used away from the owner’s home base. In order of increasing size the main subcategories are: handheld/pocket, notebook, laptop.
barnpassning Arrangements for care of children during a short absence of the parents.
Bås för tolkar interpretation booths/cabin for the interpreters for multi-language events
begränsning av talartid Duration of the time accorded to speakers.
bekräftelse Oral or written agreement by a facility to accept a request for accommodation; to be binding the agreement must state the intent of the parties, the particular date, the rate, type of accommodations, and the number to be accommodated; oral agreement may require guest credit card number.
bekvämligheter Complimentary items in sleeping rooms such as special toiletries, morning newspaper, flowers, fruit, sweets or small gifts provided for guests.
beläggningsprocent In hotel industry, the percentage of total number of available sleeping rooms actually occupied.
benavstånd; radavstånd Distance between rows of seats on an aircraft.
benchmark point of reference demonstrating a particular level
beskyddare Eminent person who, for endorsement purposes, heads an event, an organization or a list of supporters.
besök Organized outing to a local place of interest.
besökare Person attending an exhibition to view the exhibits.
beställning på plats Exhibited goods and/or services ordered on-site.
betal-bar Private room bar setup where guests pay for drinks individually.
betalningsbemyndigande Signed authority to proceed with the payment of an invoice or refund.
betalningskort Form on which all charge transactions incurred by a registered guest are recorded.
betalningsorder Written authorization for payment to be made from a bank account.
betalningssätt Method of settling a bill/account.
betjäningsavgift; serveringsavgift Inclusive gratuity specified by the restaurant/hotel management and shown in the bill.
Bevakning av sociala medier Social media monitoring is a process of monitoring and responding to mentions related to a business that occur in social media.
bidragspresentatör One who presents a paper, either verbally or in a visual form (e.g. poster).
Bild-i-bild A system which allows more than one picture to be shown on the screen at any one time.
Bildprojektion på t ex en byggnad A production method that projects an image directly onto a building and can give the illusion of bringing the building to life
bildtestrum; AV-rum Room where speakers can check their slides, overhead sheets and video tapes.
biluthyrning Facility to hire a car.
bindning Process of fastening pages of books, brochures, magazines, together.
biprodukt a secondary product derived from a manufacturing process or chemical reactio
biträdande ordförande One of two or more persons appointed as chairman/president on an equal footing.
Blackberry See smartphone
blädderblock Large pad of paper placed on an easel and used by a speaker for illustrative purposes.
blankett för beställning av utrustning Preprinted document on which facilities can be ordered.
Blåtand wireless technology for exchanging data over short distances using fixed or mobile devices
block; allotment Number of rooms reserved for one group.
Bloggare Blogger is a free blogging platform owned by Google that allows individuals and companies to host and publish a blog typically on a subdomain. Example: yourblogname.blogspot.com
Bloggradio Blog Talk Radio is a free web application that allows users to host live online radio shows.
Blue-Ray Is an optical disc storage medium designed to supersede the DVD format
Bokmärkning Bookmarking online follows the same idea of placing a bookmark in a physical publication–you’re simply marking something you found important, enjoyed, or where you left off to continue reading later. The only difference online is that it’s happening through websites using one of the various bookmarking services available, such as Delicious.
bordmikrofon Microphone on a short stand placed on a table for seated speakers.
bordsplacering; platsanvisning Plan or other document showing where individuals should be seated for an event. Particularly applies to a banquet or on a platform at a meeting.
bordsplan Plan showing location of tables at a banquet or dinner. Usually accompanied by an alphabetical listing showing at which tables individuals should be seated.
bordsställ Portable display that can be set up on top of a table.
borttagning av skräp Removal of rubbish from building or stand areas.
Boxboll Punchbowl.com is a social site that facilitates party planning and provides members with ideas, invitations, favors, gift registries, photo/video sharing, and more.
brainstorming Group session in which all participants contribute creative ideas which are not initially judged for merit.
brandförsäkring This insurance usually covers loss or damage attributable to fire, smoke, explosion, or forces of nature. It can also cover water damage.
broschyr Document describing and promoting the advantages of an item or service.
bruttovikt The full weight of a shipment, including goods and packaging.
bruttoyta Total amount of space in exhibition hall or meeting room.
budget Estimated total income and expenditure divided into subject categories and arranged by principal heads of income and expenditure.
byffé Assortment of foods, offered on a table, self-served.
Bygga länkar Link building is an aspect of search engine optimization in which website owners develop strategies to generate links to their site from other websites with the hopes of improving their search engine ranking. Blogging has emerged as a popular method of link building.
byta till högre klass To change to a superior standard.
byta till lägre klass To move to a lesser accommodation or class of service – to change to an inferior standard.
cabaret entertainment provided at which guests are at a table;
cafeteria restaurant at which customers fetch the food and drink
Chat Instant messaging (IM) is a form of real-time, direct text-based communication between two or more people. More advanced instant messaging software clients also allow enhanced modes of communication, such as live voice or video calling.
chefstekniker Person who calls cues from the control room.
cocktail part Stand-up social function with drinks and snacks.
compliance/efterlevnad a ruling to which you should abide
core PCO PCO that is contracted to move with the meeting for whom they are engaged
Crowdsourcing process of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people, especially an online community, rather than from employees or suppliers.
dag för fackfolk; branschdag Day of an exhibition restricted to attendance by professional or trade visitors.
dagens meny Full-course meal menu at a fixed price.
dagligt nyhetsbrev Daily information sheet for participants during event.
dagordning Subjects to be discussed at a meeting.
dagspris Reduced rate (often 1/2 of the regular rate) for a room used part of the day, including the period after check-out time.
dataprojektor; multimedieprojektor A devise that projects from portable computer or desktop PC onto a screen.
datastödd översättning Translation technique that uses the computer as a tool for the solution of problems.
datastyrt stereokonferenssystem Sound balance control assisted by computer.
datautskrift Lettering generated by a computer.
debatt Presentation given by two or more experts in a certain field who must sustain their points of view.
debet An item entered on debtor side of an account (oppos. of "credit"). To take one sum away from another.
definitiv bokning; definitiv reservation Reservations confirmed in writing.
dekorationer; utsmyckning That which adorns, an ornament.
delegat Voting representative at a meeting.
delegation Representatives of a particular country or organization at a meeting.
delgrupp Group of people, frequently including one or more members of the main committee, meeting outside of the main committee, with responsibilities for specific areas of activity.
delmöte A meeting which forms part of a larger event (cf meeting).
delseminarium A seminar which forms part of a larger event (cf seminar).
delsymposium A symposium which forms part of a larger event (cf symposium).
deltagande vid tidigare möte(n) The attendance of a participant to previous meetings undertaken by the same organization and by other organizations.
deltagarbevis Admission card confirming a booking and registration to a meeting.
deltagare Person taking part in the activities of a meeting.
deltagarens hemort The residence of the participant (town, region, country). If residence and nationality do not coincide, they may be registered separately.
deltagarkort Admission card confirming a booking and registration.
deltagarlista List of delegates registered to attend an event.
deltagarlista List of delegates and accompanying persons registered to attend an event.
deltagarutrustning; konferensmapp Generally a comprehensive collection of meeting documentation within its container.
department/ministerium the body of ministers of a government
deposition Partial payment to secure product or service
destination A city, area or country which can be marketed to groups or individuals as a place to visit or hold a meeting.
diabild; diapositiv Photographic transparency on a small plate or film arranged for projection.
diaprojektor Apparatus used for projecting photographic slides onto a screen.
Digital talarstol Stand used by speakers at a meeting with a digital screen infront which can be used to display branding, speaker information etc
Dilgital skyltning Live information relayed to signs around the venue that can display the conference programme and show what is going on inside session rooms. Can also be instantly updated with new information eg replacement speakers or session changes
dimmer Control that adjusts variations in the light level in a room.
direkt fakturering Accounts receivable mailed to individuals or firms with established credit.
dirigent director of an orchestra
disk Wooden or metal board fixed horizontally either on legs or on a wall. Usually with display material and possibility of making purchases.
diskussionsdeltagare; debattör Member of a meeting audience who participates in discussion during a meeting session.
diskussionsformulär Application to put a question during a meeting session to a particular speaker and on a specific subject; usually to be submitted in advance of the session.
diskussionsgrupp Group of participants debating separately within some types of meeting. Similar to a working group but with no expectation of reports or papers.
diskussionsledare Person who introduces topic of discussion and controls the discussion in the group.
diversifiering alternative direction in business from your core activity
död zon Area where sound is muffled or absent.
dold kostnad Unbudgeted expense.
donation; gåva; bidrag Sum of money or items of value received as gifts.
dricks Amount paid as a reward for special service, sometimes obligatory in the form of the "service charge" but often optional in the form of a "tip".
dubbelbokning Reserving space for two groups (or persons) for the same dates when only one group (or person) can be accommodated.
dubbelprojektion Technique of superimposing two images on a screen at the same time.
dubbelrum Room containing one bed for two persons.
dubbelrum for en person Twin/double room occupied by one person, paid for at a negotiated rate.
dubbelsäng Bed normally measuring 130 x 32cm (5x 78 inches) for 2 persons. "Standard double bed" is referred to in UK a 4’6" x 6’^"
duplikat Film or tape which has been printed from the original copy.
dvärgmikrofon Small microphone.
DVD-spelare Is an optical disc recorder that uses Optical disc recording technologies to digitally record analog signal or digital signals onto blank writable DVD media.
E-bok An ebook is an electronic version of a printed book. However, most ebooks are not actually available in print (unless you print them). These are typically published in PDF form.
efternamn Name by which all immediate family members are known. Women usually (but not always) adopt their husband’s family name upon marriage.
efterutbildningskurs A complete and methodical treatment of the specialist areas to be updated for post-graduate students. The duration of such a course varies and a certificate of participation is usually awarded upon completion.
E-konferens/event Conference which is held electronically via the internet
ekonomichef; ekonomidirektör Executive responsible for financial affairs of an organization.
ekonomirapport Document incorporating the statement of income and expenditure and the budget at a given date.
ekonomirutiner Outline of accounting and banking systems.
ekonomisk redovisning Accurate account of the financial position at any given date showing all credits annnd debits within heads of income and expenditure.
elektronisk betalning Payment by means of electronic funds transfer, e.g. using a credit card at a point-of-sale terminal.
elektronisk grafisk framställning; DTP Production of high-quality documents including text, graphics and pictures using computer equipment. This may be accomplished through the use of application software on general-purpose systems or by means of a dedicated system. In an office environment, the process is termed desktop publishing.
elektronisk poster electronic poster
elektronisk skrivtavla A system of controlling multimedia presentations by displaying computer generated images onto a white board. The board copies all information written or taped onto it, and saves, publishes or prints out the notes.
elektronisk tavla System for sending handwriting, and hand-drawn graphics, over a telephone line. The sender may use either a light pen or a digitizing tablet, and the appropriate image will appear on a television monitor at the remote location.
elektronisk utgåva electonic publishing
eluttag Temporary supply of electricity to a stand to which electrical goods can be connected.
engångsmonter Exhibit or display built for one use only.
engelsk frukost Breakfast usually consisting of juice, cereal, eggs, bacon, toasts and preserves, and hot beverages.
enhetspris One rate for each room in a guest room block.
enkelrum Room containing one bed for one person.
enriktningsmikrofon Microphone which picks up sound primarily from the direction in which it is pointed.
ensam leverantör Contractor appointed by show or building management as the sole agent to provide services.
entrébiljett Ticket to be used for admission to an event.
E-posterskärm An electronic version of the traditional boards, and is displayed on screens.
E-sittning Tables set up in the shape of an E with chairs on the outside of the closed end and on both sides of each leg.
etnisk belonging to a different race from your own
evenemang efter konferensen Any event which is arranged for the period immediately following the conference proper.
Evnetblogg/eventforum Blog space setup for a particular event where attendees can leave thoughts and feedback on any aspects of the event through a number of threads
exekutiv kommitté Group of people who carry out the strategies and policies to be implemented
exekutiv sekreterare Person appointed to handle organizational functions and who is given certain administrative authority and responsibilities.
expertgrupp Group of specialists in a particular field.
exportlicens A government document which permits the "licensee" to engage in the export of designated goods to certain destinations.
externt arrangemang Conference Terminology
extra övernattningar All extra nights spent by the participant other than overnight meeting stays.
extranatt Guest who stays at facility beyond stated departure date.
extraordinär session Special session for activities, needs, or situations that are different from those normally and originally prepared for.
extrasession Session added on to the end of the day’s programme, usually after dinner, to accommodate extra papers or an extra plenary lecture.
extrautgifter Expenses other than room and tax, billed to a guest’s account.
fabriksbesök Tour to a manufacturing plant of interest to the meeting.
fack-besökare Visitor to an exhibition representing a specific trade or profession.
fackmässa Exhibition of products and services that is not open to the general public.
faktura A demand for money detailing goods, with prices, sold or consigned to a purchaser.
fakultet Group of those qualified to teach
familjerabatt A discount price offered by hotels and resorts to second and successive members of families who travel together.
fårtroenderråd An official body (cf board) which manages the affairs and administers the funds of an institution or organization.
fast mandat Appointment on a permanent basis within a group, organization or body.
fast möblering Permanent, non movable seats in a meeting room or amphitheatre.
fast pris Fixed payment with no extra costs to be added.
fast utrustning Fixed equipment.
filmprojektor Equipment for projecting cine film.
finanskommitté Group of people who meet with responsibility for budgeting, cashflow, accounting and controlling finance and whose chairman is generally the treasurer of the event.
firmateckning Signature of person(s) with authority to sign cheques and contracts on behalf of the organization.
fjärrkontroll Control of apparatus, such as audio visual equipment, from a distance.
fjärrmikrofon Microphone designed for use at a substantial distance from the mouth of the person speaking.
flamsäker Material that is flame resistant.
flerkanals-; multiplex- With two or more communication bands (e.g. receiver).
flerriktningsmikrofon Microphone that picks up sound from all directions.
flytta fram to postpone proceedings
födelseort Denotes place of birth (not necessarily nationality).
folder; flygblad Single-sheet printed announcement or advertisement.
förberedande session Meeting of a restricted group before the official assembly in order to finalize preparations.
förbindelse A close collaboration for smooth coordination.
force majeure-klausul Contract clause which limits liability should a performance be prevented due to disruptive circumstances beyond control. Usually inclement weather does not apply.
föredrag Discourse given before an audience, especially for educational purposes.
fóredragsutvãljningskommitté Committee which assesses submitted papers to decide which are suitable for presentation and allocates them to appropriate sessions.
föreläsarsal Lounge for speakers to relax and to prepare their presentations.
förespråkare one who speaks in favour of another
företagsmóte Business-oriented meetings in which the participants represent the same company, corporate group, joint-venture or client/provider relations with an orientation towards improving or achieving business, competing in conditions far from perfect competition.
företagsresande The market segment comprised of groups or individuals that work for a given company and are traveling for business reasons at the company’s expenses.
förfriskningspaus Time between sessions when refreshments are served.
förhandlingstolk Person interpreting a conversation between two or more persons from one or more foreign languages into his mother tongue and vice-versa.
förhandsanmälan; förhandsregistrering Submitting an application/booking and/or payment to attend a meeting made prior to the opening day.
förhandsorder and/or services ordered up front.
fórhandsreservation Booking for events taking place at a future time.
förmånstagare a receiver of benefits
förmöte Meeting of event organizers and hotel personnel prior to arrival of guests, at which time details of the programme are reviewed.
formulär för hotellrumsbeställning Booking form for reservation in a hotel for use by participants.
formulär; blankett Printed or typed document with blank spaces for insertion of specific required or requested information.
förnamn Name given to identify individual family members.
försäkringsbrev Serve as evidence of the financial capability of an indemnitor (supplier) who has executed an agreement in favour of an organization.
försäljningschef Individual at a meeting facility responsible for overall direction of sales staff.
försäljningschef för restaurang Hotel staff person responsible for selling group and local food and beverage functions.
försändelse shipment of goods
förslag Plan put forward for consideration or acceptance.
första hjälpen Emergency care or treatment given to an ill or injured person before a doctor arrives.
första hjälpen First aid provision.
första hjälpen-plats Place where emergency care is provided.
första inbjudan; första cirkulär; preliminar inbjudan Initial notification of the event, generally outlining the basic framework of a meeting; a widely circulated document, sometimes called a flyer.
första utkast First version of a paper or document which is subject to further amendment.
förstärkare Device enabling sound to be intensified.
förstärkt verklighet Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology enriching the real world with digital information and media, such as 3D models and videos, overlaying in real-time the camera view of your smartphone, tablet, PC or connected glasses
fortbildning; vidareutbildning Meetings comprised of people employed or working within the education industry.
fortbildningspoäng Requirements of many professional groups by which members must certify participation in formal educational programmes designed to maintain their level of ability beyond their original certification date.
förtryck Printed volume of meeting papers available prior to or at an event.
Forum Also known as a message board, a forum is an online discussion site. It originated as the modern equivalent of a traditional bulletin board, and a technological evolution of the dialup bulletin board system.
forumdebatt A discussion within a forum (cf forum).
fórvaringsutrymme; fórvaringslokal Area adjacent to main event area for set up, dismantling and temporary storage.
fotokopíeringsmaskín Machine for photocopying documents.
frack; högtidsklädsel Formal dress requiring white tie and tails for men and formal evening dress for women.
frågeformulär Cards collected from attendees, requesting information about exhibitors.
frågestund; öppet forum Question and answer period.
fraktbolag A business which handles export shipments.
framdukad rätt Placement of food on banquet tables prior to seating of guests.
framkant av scen Area of a stage closest to the audience, as opposed to upstage.
fri bar Private room bar setup where drinks are paid for by a sponsor or are included in the fee paid.
friskrivningsklausul Clause in a contract whereby a party explicitly refuses to accept responsibility for something.
friskrivningsklausul Clause in contract ensuring that a group or company will not be responsible in the event of a claim.
fristående a function or activity that is not supported by any other function or activity
fristående material self-supporting and independent exhibit material.
fritidstjänst A service concerned with the organization of free or unoccupied time.
fritt föredrag Written transcript given as a result of acceptance of the submitted abstract on a subject chosen by the author.
frontmonter Stand at the head of a row.
frontprojektion Projection of an image onto the front surface of a light-reflecting screen from a projector placed within or behind the audience.
fullmakt för inköp Signed authority to proceed with an item of expenditure.
fullständig text The complete version of a text
fullständigt referat Full and exact transcript in writing of all speeches, debates and discussions.
fyrkantssittning Tables set up in a square (or rectangle) with chairs placed around perimeter. Centre inside tables is hollow.
gående bord Stand-up social function with beverage and sufficient food to replace a main meal.
gaffeltruck Vehicle with a power-operated pronged platform for lifting and carrying loads.
galamiddag Outstanding social event of the conference, usually in the evening with entertainment or speeches during or after a formal meal. Usually formal dress requested.
garanterad reservation Pre-paid reservation held until agreed arrival time, or check-out time the next day, whichever occurs first. Guest is responsible for payment if reservation is not cancelled.
garanti The number of servicings to be paid for, whether or not they are actually consumed; usually required 48 hours prior to the event.
garderob Room in which outer garments may be left temporarily.
garderobiär A person who is employed to take care of people’s coats, hats or luggage in the cloakroom (cf cloakroom).
gästföredrag Speech submitted on a specific topic at the request of a committee.
gemen; liten bokstav Small letter, as distinguished from a capital letter.
generalförsamling General and formal meeting of an association, club, organization or company attended by a specified proportion at least of its members for the purpose of deciding legislative direction, policy matters, the election of internal committees and approval of balance sheets, budgets and the like. An assembly generally observes certain fixed rules of procedure. Frequency: usually held at a set time and place on a regular basis, most General Assemblies are held on an annual basis and refer as AGM.
generalsekreterare Permanent head of the general organization.
Gilla A “Like” is an action that can be made by a Facebook user. Instead of writing a comment for a message or a status update, a Facebook user can click the "Like" button as a quick way to show approval and share the message. 
giltighetstid A draft which matures either a certain number of days after acceptance or a certain number of days after the date of draft.
godkännande To give approval or agreement to a certain subject matter or event.
godsmottagning Area on premises where goods are received.
golvmikrofon Microphone fixed on a support-stand.
Google dokument Google Documents is a group of web-based office applications that includes tools for word processing, presentations, and spreadsheet analysis. All documents are stored and edited online and allow multiple people to collaborate on a document in real-time.
gradäng Platform dimensions of width, length and height vary by facility used to create a stage.
gratis Offered at no cost.
gratis överflyttning till högre klass Airlines moves passenger into higher priced seating at no extra charge.
gratisrum Complimentary rooms which a facility provides without charge based on the number of rooms picked up and occupied by a group.
griffeltavla Hard smooth dark surface used for drawing or writing in chalk.
grupp A number of persons associated in some joint action; a definite number of persons working together.
grupparbete Small group sessions within a meeting organized to discuss specific subjects.
gruppbokning Block reservation of rooms specifically for a group.
gruppmöte Method to increase audience participation by dividing all participants in discussion groups each of which reports the group’s findings and opinions during a following plenary session.
gruppresa Travel programme with special fare and specific requirements such as a minimum number of persons traveling as a group throughout the tour.
gruppsamordnare A group enabler (a person who maintains awareness of the group’s relationships, process, time and space without being a contributor to the group’s work).
guide; reseledare Person accompanying a tour and giving detailed knowledge of places of interest.
hacka by way of breaking into someone else’s computer programme
häftning Binding process using wire staples.
hall; foajé Public area in hotel or hall for assembly or registration.
hållbarhet the ability to keep going continuously or to leave a lasting legacy that will continue
halsmikrofon Portable microphone that hooks around the neck.
halvmånebord Two quarter-round tables joined to make a half circle. Seating locations for honoured guests and/or meeting presenters.
halvömonter One of two or more exhibit spaces back to back with an aisle on three sides.
halvpension Rate inclusive of breakfast and any other meal, usually dinner, in addition to room.
handikappvänlig Free of obstacles hindering the movement of disabled persons to all public areas within a building.
Handmikrofon A microphone that is held by the individual – can be wireless or wired
hänvisningsskyltar Signs, usually suspended, indicating aisle numbers or letters.
happenings; evenemang All non-intellectual oriented meetings.
Hashtag (brädgård) A hashtag is a tag used on the social network Twitter as a way to annotate a message. A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by a “#.” Example: #yourhashtag. Hashtags are commonly used to show that a tweet, a Twitter message, is related to an event or conference, online or offline.
hãstsko-sittning Horse-shoe shaped table.
HD-projektor Is a type of video projector for displaying video, images or computer data on a screen or other flat surface with High definition picture
HD-skärm Is a type of flat panel display with a high definition picture
Headset-mikrofon Wireless microphone, to allow the speaker free movement around the stage during his/her presentation
hederskommitté Committee of individuals eminent in the related field whose names are lent to an event by way of endorsement.
hedersordfórande Either a person chairing a meeting or presiding over an organization on an unpaid basis or one not performing such a function but accorded the title as a mark of special esteem.
hedersordförande Senior member of the committee of honour.
hederssekreterare Voluntary (unpaid) member of the committee responsible for recording decisions and keeping records of discussions.
helpension Rate inclusive of breakfast, lunch and dinner, in addition to room.
hemland Denotes country of parental nationality.
hittegodskontor Stand where lost items may be recovered.
hjärntrust A group of expert advisors assembled especially to answer questions of immediate or current interest.
högsäsong Busy times of year during which hotels normally charge higher rates.
högtalaranläggning Audio and/or visual system used for the purpose of broadcasting or visualizing speech, music or other sounds or images to a large audience.
honorar; arvode Payment made in token of personal involvement in an event.
hörlur med mikrofon Headphone with a built-in microphone.
hörlurar Device that converts electrical energy into sound waves and is worn over or inserted into the ear.
Hörlurar för simultantolkning A device that allows the audience to listen to the speaker in simultaneous interpreted languages
hörnmonter Exhibit space with aisles on two sides.
hotellinkvartering Bedroom(s) at a hotel and rooming arrangements; usually specifying the hotel classification in terms of its amenities, facilities, level of service and cost.
hotellklassificering The classification of a hotel in terms of its amenities, facilities, level of service and cost. Qualifications and terms may vary by country.
hotelltjänstbyrå Division of a convention bureau responsible for assisting organizers handling hotel reservations for meeting attendees.
hovmästare Floor manager or head waiter at a restaurant or catered function.
HR personnel
huvudbord Seating location for honoured guests and/or meeting presenters.
huvudföredrag Top level presentation.
huvudhotell Where several hotels are used for one event, the hotel where the main administrative and hospitality functions are located.
huvudleverantör Company which provides services to exhibition management and exhibitors.
huvudtal; huvudanförande Fundamental or leading speech made usually at the beginning of a meeting.
huvudtalare Speaker who sets forth the theme of the meeting.
hyllor Thin wooden, or metal, boards fixed horizontally on a wall for displaying objects and sales materials.
hyresgäst One to whom a lease is granted; holder of a lease.
hyreskontrakt Contract stating terms and conditions for rental of exhibition venue or for individual stand/booth within a venue.
hyreskostnad; lokalkostnad The price paid by the organizer to the owner of the meeting facilities.
hyresvärd Person or organization which offers a lease.
inbjudan att hålla föredrag Document containing detailed instructions for submission of papers for assessment and selection by the committee.
inbjudan; inbjudningsdokument The proposal submitted by a destination or a property inviting a group to meet in their venue.
inbjudan; invitation Courteous written request for attendance at a function for which no charge is made.
inbjuden talare Speaker, specifically requested to speak to the audience on a given topic.
inbjudningsbeskrivning Written document issued by an organization which contains requirements for their future events.
inbjudningskort Invitation to potential guests, visitors, participants to attend an event.
inbyggd monter Exhibition space with booths at back on each side.
incentivmöte; (uppmuntringsmöte) Meeting event as part of a programme which is offered to its participants to reward a previous performance.
incheckningstid Preferred time for guests to arrive at hotel.
inflyttning Date(s) for installation/setting up of event.
informationsdisk Stand at which an official gives information.
informationsmöte Meeting of a group of people with a particular knowledge or responsibility on an area of activity to advise them of the details of their involvement.
informationsmöte A session at which precise instructions are given and participants informed thoroughly (cf briefing).
informationstavla Board or video screen listing the days events.
informell sammankomst; samling An informal social gathering.
informell session Informal session with no specific agenda.
informellt möte Informal gathering, not necessarily social.
inkomster Money received.
inköp the obtaining of quotations and proposals
innertakhöjd Height of the ceiling of the exhibition hall.
inregistrering; incheckning Procedure for guest arrival and registration.
inspektionskommitté A committee of inspection, control.
institut A professional organization/establishment formed to promote education, literature, art, or the like.
instruktioner för föredragshållare Guidelines for those presenting an oral presentation.
instruktioner för författaren Instructions regarding the required format to be used for the version of the paper to be published.
instruktioner för posterpresentation Guidelines for those presenting a poster.
intäkt income
Inter City ; resa mellan två städer The means of travelling between two cities.
interaktivt möte Session where participants take an active part in the work.
interaktivt svarssystem A system which enables the audience to respond to prepared questions by means of a multifunction keypad. Responses are fed to a computer which tabulates them and displays the results graphically on a projection screen.
internationella möten 1. International/intercontinental: a meeting of an organization with multi-national membership that is available to meet on more than one continent. 2. International/Continental: a meeting of an organization with multi-national membership that is available to meet on only one continent.
internetanslutning A connection to Internet through a local access provider. It can be an analogue, a digital or an Ethernet network access.
Internet-café An area where computers are stationed to allow delegates to access the internet
Internettelefoni Voice over Internet Protocol – Is a Web based application that allows users to make free voice and video calls over the internet
internkommunikation Audio system permitting two-way communication.
Internt kommunikationssystem A device commonly used for closed communication
interntelefon Speaker system that connects the control room with the studio.
interntelefon Intercommunication system using headphones and microphones for communication between adjoining or nearby studios or offices.
interntransport inom utställningsområdet Transfer of exhibits from point of arrival to exhibit site. May also include storage.
interntransport inom utställningsområdet Transfer of exhibits from point of arrival to exhibit site. May also include storage.
introduktionstur Hosted trip to assess facilities, locations or services.
inventarier Total amount of furniture and equipment available for show.
kaffepaus Short interval between sessions during the morning or afternoon at which coffee is served.
kamerahuvud Pan-tilt device on which a camera is mounted.
kanal A special line reserved to a specific usage (language, speech on walkie talkies, etc).
kapacitet Maximum number of people allowed in any given area, or maximum number of people that a setup can accommodate in a function room.
kapitel divisions of a book or a membership association
karusellmagasin Circular holder used for projecting 35mm slides.
karusellprojektor Slide projector fed from a circular drum and consequently not requiring constant manual replacement of slides. Often remote-controlled.
kassett Plastic box containing a video- or sound recording tape.
kassör Person appointed to control the finances of an event or organization; normally chairman of a finance committee or its equivalent.
kavaj Business or lounge suits and short day dresses; can include informal forms of national dress.
kollegor those persons of the same status as yourself
kollokvium Informal meeting for the purpose of discussion; usually of an academic or research nature and aimed at ascertaining areas of mutual interest through exchanges of ideas. Frequency: as and when appropriate, but with little regularity.
Kommentera A comment is a response that is often provided as an answer or reaction to a blog post or message on a social network. Comments are a primary form of two-way communication on the social web.
kommitté A group of people appointed for a specific purpose.
kommunikationscentral Area in meeting venue for telephone, fax, telex or teleconferencing facilities.
komplett utrustad monter Stand equipped with all services and facilities such as electrics, fascia, carpet, lighting, etc.
konferens Participatory meeting designed for discussion, fact-finding, problem solving and consultation. As compared with a congress, a conference is normally smaller in scale and more select in character – features which tend to facilitate the exchange of information. The term "conference" carries no special connotation as to frequency. Though not inherently limited in time, conferences are usually of limited duration with specific objectives.
konferens med parallella sessioner Conference with parallel programme session when participants have the choice to follow one or the other road or to jump from one track to the other during the duration of the meeting.
konferenshandbok Normally pocket size, a small book containing useful information and instructions relating to an event and the locality in which it is to be held.
konferensmanuskript; inlägg Work submitted for inclusion as an oral or poster presentation, often in response to a call for papers; not an invited paper.
konferensorganisatör Professional Conference Organizer
konferensöversättare Person who translates meeting documents into other languages.
konferensportfólj Container for meeting documentation.
konferensprogram Printed timetable of events at a meeting, including working sessions with locations and the names of speakers, and social events.
konferensrapport Official summary of meeting events.
konferenssamordnare Title generally conferred upon the chief administrator of the entire event.
konferenssekretariat Staff providing secretarial services in connection with the organization of a meeting or the like.
konferenssekretariat The office responsible for the administrative, clerical and secretarial affairs surrounding planning, and management of a conference (cf conference).
konferenstermonolog Person who conducts terminology work specifically in the context of meeting organization.
konferenstolk Person who interprets into another language oral presentation(s) made during a meeting.
kongress 1. General and formal meeting of a legislative body, social or economic group in order to provide information on a particular situation and in order to deliberate and, consequently, establish consent on policies among the participants. Usually of limited duration with set objectives, but no determined frequency.
kongress Regular corning together on a representational basis of several hundreds – or even thousands – of individuals belonging to a single professional, cultural, religious or other group. A congress is often convened to discuss a particular subject. Contributions to the presentation and discussion of the subject matter come only from members of the organizing body. Frequency: usually established in advance and can be either multiannual or annual. Most international or world congresses are of the former type while national congresses are more frequently held annually. A congress will often last several days and have several simultaneous sessions.
kongressbyrå A non profit umbrella organization that represents a city or geographic area in the solicitation and servicing of all types of travelers to that city or area… whether they visit for business, pleasure or both.
kongresscenter; konferenscenter Premises built specifically for holding meetings and exhibitions.
kongressmiddag Evening meal forming part of the official programme.
kongressresa A travel which involves all participants come to a multilateral gathering organized around a previously established advertised theme.
kongressterminologi; terminologi för mötesplanering
konsektutiv tolk Person who translates a speaker’s words into his mother tongue (and possibly vice-versa), either in full or in summary, when the speaker has finished what he was going to say or pauses to allow interpreting.
konsekutiv tolkning Oral translation of a speaker’s words into another language, either in full or in summary and conducted when the speaker has finished what he was going to say or pauses for interpreting.
konsult one who provides specialist advice
konsult; rådgivare Expert who provides advice and assistance to a client on specific assignments. For very large projects, a consulting firm may be retained rather than an individual.
Kontakter The LinkedIn equivalent of a Facebook ‘friend’ is a ‘connection.’ Because LinkedIn is a social networking site, the people you are connecting with are not necessarily people you are friends with, but rather you met in brief, heard speak, or know through another connection.
kontinental frukost Light breakfast usually consisting of juice, roll or pastry and a hot beverage.
kontrakt; avtal Legal agreement between two or more parties.
kontrollampa Small red light on the camera indicating when the camera is on.
kontrollbord The desk from which the technicians operate microphones and audio visual equipment.
konvertibilitet A currency is usually described as convertible if the holder can exchange it freely for another currency.
kopiering av dokumen Reproduction of documents.
korkavgift The charge placed on wine, beer and liquor brought into a facility but purchased elsewhere. The charge sometimes includes glassware, ice and mixers.
korrektur Final copy for approval before printing.
kortfattad rapport Short account of a speech, debate or discussion.
kostnadsberãkning Process of obtaining the true price of an item of expenditure.
kostnadskalkyl Preliminary calculation of the cost of work to be undertaken.
kostnadskontroll Process of maintaining levels of expenditure within the budget.
kredit An item entered on creditor side of an account (oppos. of "debit"). To add one sum to another.
kreditiv A document issued by a bank per instructions from a buyer of goods, authorizing the seller to draw a specified sum of money under specified terms
kriterium/kriterier a principal or standard by which something is judged
krönika/årsbok a narrative of events, year by year
kuliss background staging
kultur the development of individual national heritage eg music, science, art etc
kulturtjänst A service concerned with organizing activities which are mainly related to the artistic and intellectual side of civilization.
kupong; biljett A negotiable ticket or voucher; a pass or ticket.
kuvert Actual number of meals served at a food function.
kvadratmeterpris Basic charge for a square metre of exhibition space.
kvadratmeterpris Cost per square metre/foot for exhibition space.
kvällsöppet Evening on which the exhibition will remain open later than usual.
Lägg till AddThis is a social bookmarking service that provides a code users can put on their websites so that when people visit that site, they have the option to share via Facebook, Twitter, etc. Its analytics service can show you which pages are trending, where people are interacting with your brand, and what they’re saying about your content on Twitter.
lågsäsong Time of year at which hotel occupancy is lowest and bargain rates are usually offered.
lågsäsong That time of year when travel and hotel rates are at their lowest.
läppmikrofon Microphone designed for use in contact with the lips of the speaker.
laserpekare A compact instrument consisting of a visible light laser, used for pointing out features on a projected visual display.
Läsplatta See tablet
Läsplatta A complete mobile computer, integrated into a flat touch screen device
lätta måltider och drycker; förfriskningar Food or beverages, whether or not for sale, for informal consumption.
LCD-projektor Is a type of video projector for displaying video, images or computer data on a screen or other flat surface.
LCD-skärm Is a type of flat panel display
ledig klädsel Sport shirt (possibly with jacket) for men; resort wear for women.
ledningsgrupp Group which decides on the order of the procedures.
ledningsgrupp; organisationskommitté Committee to carry out policy and strategy for the organization of an event.
leveranssedel Form for exhibitor requesting handling of materials.
likviditetsbudget Document showing estimated dates when items of anticipated income and expenditure fall due and what sums of money will be due on those dates.
limbindning Binding process by which pages are glued together.
lista över förhandsanmälda (Computer-generated) list of names pre-registered with a group.
listpris Facility’s standard, pre-established guest room rates.
Live streaming The transmission over the Internet of video of an event as it happens – real time
ljud Audible effects.
ljudisolerad vägg Barrier that prevents sound from carrying to and from adjacent rooms. Usually a permanent wall.
Ljudöverföring Used to overflow from one session hall to another hall with audio only
ljuspekare Electric rod which casts an illuminated spot on the wall, blackboard, screen, etc. to draw attention to a particular feature.
Ljussättning i färg på t ex en vägg Lighting which can be coloured and creates a flood of light up/on the wall
ljusskena; ellist Lights attached along a track mounted on a ceiling or wall permitting flexible spotlighting and other effects.
ljustavla Screen intended to provide information and to notify participants who are called away for urgent reasons during the session, without disturbing the meeting.
logistik the art of moving people and/or resources from one place to another
logotyp Symbol identifying an organization or event.
lokal organisationskommitté Group of people from the host country, city or region of an event.
lokal resebyrå Company that provides transportation in a locale, i.e.motorcoaches, rental cars, railroads, etc.
lokal värdkommitté; lokal organisationskommitté A group of people, geographically local to the venue, who carry out the strategics and policies established for the organization of an event.
lokalkommitté Board for a geographical area of a society or federation, often synonymous for host committee.
lokalskiss; möbleringsplan; (dukningsplan) Floor plan with specific requirements (dais, tables, chairs, etc.) drawn to scale.
lokalt evenemang An event, such as a graduation ceremony, local festival, etc., that draws its audience primarily from local market.
lokaltrafik The means of travelling within a city.
löpmikrofon Small microphone, with or without wire, which can be moved easily.
löptext Text moving horizontally across the bottom of a video screen.
luftkonditionering System that controls the temperature and humidity of the air in a room.
majoritet the greater number of
målspråk Language into which a speech or document is translated.
manifest list of people, registrations, or items
manuskript Prepared version of a speech.
marknadsförare Person
marknadsföring; promotion Publicizing and supporting an event.
marknadssegment Categorization of organization or businesses by professional discipline or primary areas of interest for the purposes of sales analysis or assignment.
mässa Large trade exhibition
mässa; utställning Exhibition of products or services in a specific area of activity held with the objective of promoting business.
mässlokal; utställningsanläggning Venue at which exhibitions are held.
materialuthyrningsföretag Management providing furniture and/or services to exhibitors for a single fee.
max. golvbelastning Maximum amount of weight per unit of area which a floor can support.
meddelandetavla Board on which messages are displayed.
medföljande person Individual at the meeting site but not necessarily involved with the meeting sessions. Generally spouse or other family member or relation of the delegate attending a meeting for the social content of the meeting programme.
mediaannonsering Advertising to the public in journals, newspapers or magazines or on radio, television or film.
Mediaspelare Media library application for playing audio, video and viewing files
medlare someone acting between parties
medling a form of reconciliation between disagreeing parties
medlyssning Regeneration of sound from audio speakers back through a microphone causing a dissonant sound.
medutställare Distributor or agent of main exhibitor sharing the same stand or booth.
mervärdesskatt; MOMS Government tax levied on goods and services.
middag Evening meal for a group; not usually ceremonial.
mikrofon Instrument which converts sound into electrical signals.
mobil tolkanläggning System which can be transported and set up in any venue without the need for built-in booths or electric circuits.
möblering; dukning (konferens) Layout of tables, chairs, other furniture, and equipment for functions.
moderator Person who presides over panel discussions and forums.
modevisning; modeshow Choreographed display of garments by models.
modulmonter Exhibit constructed with interchangeable components.
Molntjänst Provides the delivery of applications and centralised access to information via a centralised platform via the Internet based around the concept of infrastructure convergence
monitor Television set with direct audio and video input used for checking on the operation of a transmitter.
montage; siduppsättning Definitive placement of text and illustrations on the page in accordance with the predetermined layout.
monter Usually a temporary construction with a small internal space where products are shown; specially built, assembled and equipped for shows, exhibitions and fairs.
monter a specified area in which an indvidual company can exhibit
monter med skärmvägg Booth constructed with plywood or similar material (as opposed to booth formed by drapery only).
monterbeställníngsformulär Form for official request to utilize a particular space.
monterfördelning Process of assigning space to exhibiting companies.
monterhyrning Complete booth package offered to exhibitors on a rental basis.
montering Process of setting up exhibit booth and materials according to instructions and drawings.
monteringsfärding monter Unassembled exhibit material requiring on-site assembly.
monterplan Scale plan of the floor area of an exhibition.
monterpris Total cost of hiring an exhibition space, whether or not it includes ancillary services (security, connection to water, electricity supply, etc.).
monterskylt Board giving exhibitor’s name in an exhibition or indicating the purposes of service desks in a conference reception area.
monterutrustning Items which can be supplied on hire to stands, e.g. lighting, shelves, carpet, etc.
monteryta Space in which stands are laid out.
monteryta Dimensions of assigned space.
möte; sammanträde General term indicating the coming together of a number of people in one place, to confer or carry out a particular activity. Frequency: can be on an ad hoc basis or according to a set pattern, as for instance annual general meetings, committee meetings, etc.
mötesavbrott Temporary break in meeting for a specific and unprogrammed reason.
mótesbeskrivning Compilation by organizations of all function sheets, resumes, scripts, instructions, room set-up diagrams, directory of key personnel, forms, and other material relating to the event.
mötesdatum The time of the year when the meeting takes place.
mötesdeltagaransvarig Member of committee in charge of convening participants.
mötesfrekvens The periodicity with which the same kind of meeting takes place.
mötesinbjudan Leaflet or brochure with essentials on forthcoming event.
möteslängd The number of days from the opening session to the closing session. Additional days for optional excursions are not included.
möteslokal; möteplats The building and environment area where the meeting takes place.
möteslokaler Spaces or areas where meetings, banquets, exhibitions or other group events are held.
mötesplats Meeting place in venue for individual appointments of delegates.
mötesplats meeting point
mötesplats; möteslokal Meeting site. Premises where the meeting will be held.
mötesprotokoll Published volume containing papers presented at a meeting. May or may not include details of discussion.
mötesrum; konferenslokal Room where an assembly meets.
mötestema The theme is arranged according to the main field of specialised knowledge that is dealt with during the sessions. The fundamental theme is proposed by the organizer with reference to the title of the meeting.
motiv för deltagande The ultimate reason impelling a person to turn up for the meeting called together by the organizer.
mottagare Apparatus that converts electric currents or waves into visible or audible signals.
mottagning Stand-up social function with only canapés and beverages.
multiband With two or more communication bands (receivers).
multimedía Use of two or more audiovisual media in one presentation.
multinationella möten International meeting with a minimum of 100 participants from at least four countries.
multivision; multimedia Projection of different images on different screens at the same time.
muntlig framställan; föredrag Contribution made verbally.
Mygga A wireless microphone attached to either the tie or jacket
mygga ; knapphålsmikrofon Microphone designed for positioning on the clothing of the user.
namnkort; identitetskod A name card which identifies you.
namnskylt Identifying card worn by attendees to a meeting.
närmikrofon Microphone designed particularly for use close to the mouth of the speaker.
nationalitet Identifies the country where the person has full rights by birth or naturalization.
nationella möten Meeting participation available to organizations or individuals from one nation, meeting in that nation.
nationella möten; regionala möten 1. Domestic/national: a meeting of an organization with membership from a single nation available to meet in only that nation. 2. Domestic/Regional: a meeting of an organization with membership from a single nation available to meet in only a given region of that nation. 3. Domestic/sub-regional: a meeting of an organization with membership from a single nation available to meet in only a given sub-region of that nation.
nationellt bolag Airline designated by a country to serve international routes (Convention Liaison Council).
Nätverkssegmentering Splitting a computer network into subnetworks ie: Organisers, Speakers, Delegates, etc either to boost performance or to  improve security.
nedmontering Take-down and removal of exhibits.
nedmonteringstid Action required to dismantle a function setup.
nedtoning Situation where room lights are turned off or video screen becomes black.
negativ Reversed form of original art or type.
neonljus; lysrör Neon lamps, with diffused light tubes as opposed to incandescent lights.
nettopris Actual cost of a travel programme excluding mark-ups or commissions.
nettoyta Actual amount of salable space available for or used by exhibit booths/stands.
nödutgång; brandutgång Door, clear of obstructions, designed for egress in the event of fire or panic.
nominering Submission of a name (person, organization or company), for election or appointment to a specific role or function.
no-show; ej ankomst Person who has booked a room or a place at a meeting but does not arrive to take up the room or place.
nyanmälan Registration received at the meeting and generally incurring payment of a penalty fee.
nyckelband/snöre/lanyard ribbon or string around the neck holding a badge or identification
Nyheter A news feed is literally a feed full of news. On Facebook, the News Feed is the homepage of users’ accounts where they can see all the latest updates from their friends. The news feed on Twitter is called Timeline (not to get confused with Facebook’s new look, also called Timeline).
nyhetsbrev Update information sheet, generally used for promotional purposes.
obligatorisk obligatory or requirment to abide by the rules of the association/meeting
obligatorisk compulsory
observatór Delegate to an assembly who observes and reports but does not participate officially in its activities.
officiell mottagning Reception for conference participants hosted by local or governmental authorities or other officials.
officiella representanter Appointed personnel with specific tasks.
officiellt flygbolag Officially designated airline that handles meeting transportation at preferential prices.
officiellt kvitto Official acknowledgement of money received.
officiellt språk Language officially to be used for a meeting, e.g. for the publication of proceedings.
oförutsett planning for an uncertain event
oinredd monter Stand with no services or facilities, meaning that these all have to be hired at an additional cost.
ombyggnadstid; ommöbleringstid Action required to break down and reset a room.
omgivande ljus The surrounding light, such as that reaching a television screen from light sources in a room. When the environment is a room, the term can be taken as equivalent to "room light".
ömonter One of a group of four or more exhibit spaces with aisles on all four sides.
Open Space -möte A meeting organized through Open Space Technology.
Open Space -teknik OST is an approach to meeting facilitation which enables groups from 5- 1,000 to efficiently deal with complex issues in creating self-managed task groups. No pre-planning is required for agenda preparation and only one facilitator is needed.
öppen biljett Ticket valid for transportation, indicating no minuted or specific travel details.
öppettider Hours during which an exhibition is open to the public or trade visitors.
öppningsanförande; hälsningstal; välkomsttal; välkomstanförande Formal speech given at the commencement of a meeting to welcome participants; usually given by an eminent person.
öppningsceremoní The formal opening of a meeting.
öppningssession Meeting(s) of a predetermined duration which begin an event and in which the principal items on the agenda are usually introduced.
ordbehandlingsmaskin Computer-based system for writing, editing and formatting letters, reports and books.
orderbekräftelse Written authority for a supplier to proceed or for an exhibitor: acceptance of order.
ordförande Person who presides over an organization or meeting. Chairman can also be used to describe the person presiding over a committee or meeting session.
ordförande Person selected to preside over a session or lead a committee.
organisationskommitté Group of people who decide or carry out the strategies and policies established for the organization of an event
original; manuskript Material to be, or in the process of being, set up for printing. Not to be confused with the everyday use of "copy" as opposed to "original".
originalspråk Initial language in which a document is drafted or a speech delivered.
otillräcklig inbetalning Insufficient payment/funds received for items ordered.
outsourcing a company or individual in receipt of an instruction or task who subsequently passes on all or part of the task to a third company or individual
överbokning In the context of air transport, hotels, restaurants, tours: situation where number of confirmed reservations exceeds number of seats, rooms, places available.
overhead-blad A print or inscription on a special transparent sheet of paper made visible by means of a overhead or slide projector.
overheadprojektor Equipment which projects an image onto a screen by passing light through a transparency.
översättningsservice In the sense of a service provided, as distinct from an administrative unit, the translation of written material from one language to another.
översiktsprogram Shortened version of the meeting programme giving basic information in a way which is easy to refer to and convenient to carry.
överskridande av monteryta Use of floor space outside exclusive booth area.
övertidsarbete Work performed on overtime.
övertoning Gradual changing of one picture or sound or colour to another.
pågående möten Referring to the number of groups and attendees meeting in a city during a specific time frame.
paketpris Tour arrangements combined and sold at a single all-inclusive price. All the arrangements are made by an agent at an inclusive price.
paketresa Tour sold at a price covering all costs (transport, accommodation and related services) for the full duration of the trip.
palats building in which royalty, or people of great importance, live; or historic building open to the public
pall Wooden platform used to carry goods.
paneldiskussion Discussion with a moderator and two or more participants on a certain subject.
parabolskärm Type of front projection screen surface which is rigid and allows only narrow-angle viewing.
parallell session splitting of a larger group into a number of smaller ones
parallella möten; parallella sessioner Session which has some correspondence, similarity, or analogy of subject and aim and is simultaneous with another session.
parallellsession i tvärgrupp A session which is similar to another session involving the exchange of information (cf parallel session).
parkeringsvakt A person who is employed to assist people in parking their motor vehicle in a designated area.
pärlduk Type of screen surface used for front projection.
påslag – tillkommande kostnader Method of charging for services on a cost-plus basis.
passivt sprak Language into which interpretation is provided.
Pekskärm A screen that can be controlled by the touch of the screen.
pendeltransport Conveyance which travels back and forth over a particular route, especially a short route or one connecting two other transport systems.
per drink; efter åtgång (Liquor) drink served and charged for by the number of drinks served.
per flaska (Liquor) drink served and charged for by the full bottle. Organizer owns any bottle on which the seal has been broken.
per person A fixed price covering all consumption within a given time frame; sometimes includes snacks or hors d’oeuvres.
per styck; per enhet Food purchased by the piece, usually for a reception. Prices may be quoted individually, by the dozen, or for 50 or 100 pieces.
permanent monter Stand constructed with plywood or similar material as opposed to one formed by drapery only.
permanent utställning; showroom Show rooms, (marts – US), and similar space for product displays leased on a long-term basis.
placeringskort Card, placed on the table, inscribed with the name of the person designated to sit at that place.
Plasmaskärm Type of display screen
plats The destination where the meeting takes place.
plats; anläggning Area, property or specific facility to be used for meeting.
platsbehov Amount of stand/booth space required by individual exhibitors.
platsinspektion Inspection to assess facilities or location.
platsmarkering Method of marking booth/stand space.
plenarmöte Assembly composed of all the members; fully constituted; fully attended.
plenarmöte; huvudsession A meeting open to all those in attendance at a convention.
plenarsession; plenum Session in which all the members of the meeting participate or have the right and, sometimes, the duty to participate, with no other sessions taking place at the same time.
podium Raised platform on which a speaker stands or sits.
positiv Exact image of copy as distinguished from reverse image or negative.
Posta ett inlägg A type of social media
postadress Address to which correspondence is sent.
postcentrum – inkommande post och meddelanden A place where mail and messages are received, kept or transmitted.
posterpresentation Display of material, usually scientific, accompanied by authors or researchers.
posterskärm Display area provided, particularly at scientific meetings, for presentation of work to participants.
postkontor Agency handling the transmission of mail.
praktik Workshop-type educational experience where students learn by doing.
praktisk demonstration Special sitting for the demonstration of particular practical methods.
PR-chef; informationschef Title given to the person in charge of and co-ordinating the promotional activities of an event.
preliminär anmälan Incomplete registration where the fees or full payment have not been received.
preliminärt program Document sent out in advance of the meeting containing details of the provisional programme of the event, together with information about registration and a registration form. For a scientific meeting the call for papers will often be sent out with this document.
presentatör Person explaining a given topic in an informational session either verbally or in visual form (e.g. poster).
press release; pressmeddelande; kommuniké Prepared statement released to the news medía.
pressattaché; pressekreterare; presschef Title given to the person handling all press and media-related activities excluding advertising.
pressavdelning Department within an organization responsible for distributing information on the organization’s activities to the press.
pressklipp Article cut from a newspaper or magazine.
presskonferens Meeting held to communicate information to media representatives.
pressmapp 62press release; press communiqué
pressrum; presscenter Space reserved for media representatives.
prioriteringssystem System used to determine priorities in the assignment of booth space.
professionell kongressorganisatör Company or individual professionally engaged in organizing meetings.
projektionsskärm; projektionsduk Surface onto which images are projected by a film or slide projector.
projektledare för utställning Contractor or agent responsible for providing an exhibition shell scheme.
projektledare för utställningen Individual representing show management responsible for managing the exhibition area on-site (enforcing rules, responding to requests, etc.).
projektor Optical instrument for projecting an image onto a screen.
projektor projector to which a laptop is connected
proram Schedule of events, giving details of times and places.
proram för medföljande person Educational and/or social events planned for spouses and guests of meeting participants.
protektion In the context of meetings and the like, ‘patronage" primarily means endorsement by eminent individuals (e.g. Royalty or ambassadors) or bodies.
protokoll Customs and procedures dealing with formalities, precedence and etiquette.
protokoll; mötesreferat Formal written record of a meeting.
protokollförare Person appointed to note and record the proceedings of sessions and to write précis (summaries) of the papers presented, for a final summation session.
publikationer Printed items, such as books, magazines, newspapers and meeting documentation.
publikmässa Exhibition open to the public, usually subject to payment of an entrance fee.
Publiksvarssystem Is a type of interaction associated with the use of audience response systems, to create interactivity between a presenter and his/her audience. Systems for co-located audiences combine wireless hardware with presentation software, and systems for remote audiences may use telephones or web polls for audiences watching through television or the Internet.
QR-kod A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code) The system has fast readability and large storage capacity. The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background.
queen-size -rum Room with one queen-size bed suitable for one or two person(s).
queen-size -säng Large bed usually measuring 22x 33cm (60 x 68 inches).
rådgivande kommitté Usually an honorary body which does not meet frequently (if at all) and can be called upon for advice as necessary.
rådgivare Person appointed to give specialist or expert information on a particular event, or generally.
radiomikrofon Microphone used for transmitting radio waves.
radiosystem System for message transmission by radio.
radmonter Stand within a row of similar stands, i. e. with only the front opening onto an aísle and with other stands on either side.
rambeslut Preliminary decision setting out a framework within which detailed provisions may be established by means of later individual decisions.
rangordning A system which ranks dignitaries according to international protocol for purposes of seating, honours or ceremonies.
räntefritt lån Money received by way of a loan to be refunded in due course and not subject to any interest charges.
Realtidsökning Real-time search is the method of indexing content being published online into search engine results with virtually no delay.
receptionist a front of house welcoming representative
receptionsdisk Area at which delegates, guests or visitors are received on arriving at a venue.
regeringskonferens Technical or political meetings between governments with the aim of discussing national or international topics.
regeringsmöten Groups whose constituencies are made up of civil servants, elected officials and service providers to Government entities.
registrering; anmälan Booking and or payment to attend a meeting. Inclusion as a participant in an event; booking and payment to attend a meeting.
registreringsdisk Area at a meeting to which delegates and others report for registration on arrival.
reklamkampanj Media campaign, normally consisting of a series of publicity and advertising activities, aimed at ensuring optimal attendance by focussing attention on an event.
reklammaterial Brochures or other items needed for promotional purposes.
rekommendation Strongly suggested course of action; sometimes has binding force.
relätolkning Oral translation whereby an interpreter does not translate directly, but interprets the translation of a colleague, usually because he is not qualified to work directly from the original language.
repetition Practice run held in advance of an event.
reproklar kopia Materials ready for photographic reproduction.
reseagent Destination Management Consultant.
resebyrå Person or firm qualified to arrange for hotel rooms, transportation, cruises, tours, and other travel elements.
reseförsäkring Insurance against accidents that occur in the course of travel to or from a meeting.
reseledare European term for a travel professional who supervises arrival details and escorts tours.
reservera; boka To make a reservation.
resolution Motion put forward for adoption; once adopted, has binding force.
resplan Detailed programme of a visit or tour.
restauration; catering The provision of food and beverages.
resumésamling Printed volume containing summaries of accepted papers.
returtolkning Interpreting both ways: from and into the foreign language.
revision An examination, by qualified persons, of accounts of a business.
revisor Person or auditing body authorized to examine statements of account for accuracy.
riggare; montör Skilled person used in handling assembly of heavy materials always working at union wages.
risk hazard or exposure to potential danger
roadshow theatrical performance, or small exhibition, or promotional activity on tour
Roll-up turn over and over on itself into a cylindrical shape, eg banner
röstförstärkning Technique whereby, with the help of a microphone and an amplifier, the volume of the human voice is amplified.
Röstningssystem A term encompassing several different types of voting, embracing both electronic means of casting a vote and electronic means of counting votes
roterande platta Motorized rotating platform.
rubrik A phrase at the top of the newspaper, magazine article, indicating the subject of the article.
rum med dubbelsängar Room with two double-size beds suitable for two or four persons.
rum med vacker utsikt Room with a patio or balcony overlooking a garden or water.
rum och frukost Accommodation rate inclusive of breakfast in addition to room; referred to as ‘B and 8" in the UK, where such arrangement may be offered in a hotel, in a boarding house or even in a semi-private residence.
rumreservation Booking of a particular type of room for specific dates.
rumsbelysning Lighting of room separate from stage lighting.
rumslista Roster of individuals requiring guest room accommodations including type of accommodation and arrival and departure dates.
rumspris Amount charged for the occupancy of a room.
rumspris utan måltider Room rate with no meals included.
runda bord seated at round tables, either fully occupied;  or half occupied facing stage/screen
rundabordsmöte Group of experts meeting on an equal basis to review and discuss specialized, professional matters, either in closed session or, more frequently, before an audience and with a public discussion with a view to arousing awareness of the issues being debated, or to prompting political, institutional, social or other action.
rundabordssittning Table set up in rectangle or oval shape with chairs on both sides and at both ends.
säkerhetstjänst Service providing security arrangements, such as checking delegates’ credentials, searching hand luggage, protecting equipment and patrolling congress and exhibition areas.
säkerhetsvakt A member of the security service who is employed to protect building, people, etc.
samlingsrum Room or suite of rooms used to entertain guests.
sammandrag; resumé Written summary of a speech or paper, generally between 33and 500 words, often submitted in advance in support of an application to present an oral or poster contribution.
sammanfattning Written short version of speech or paper.
sammanfattning av diskussion; diskussionsreferat Short report of discussions that have taken place in the meeting hall.
sammanträdesrum; styrelserum Meeting room set up with a permanent conference table and suitable seating.
samordningskommitté; samordningsgrupp Committee in charge of co-ordinating the organization of the event.
samtidiga möten; samtidiga sessioner; parallella sessioner Sessions scheduled at the same time.
sändarenhet Apparatus for transmitting radio waves through space.
särtryck Separately issued reprint of a part of a publication or document.
satellitmöte Meeting on a similar or related subject taking place either concurrently or, shortly before or after main event.
satellitseminarium A small or secondary meeting of specialists who have a specific commun interest (cf seminar.)
satellitsymposium A small or secondary meeting of a number of experts in a particular field (see "symposium’).
scen; estrad; podium A permanent or portable raised platform used for seats of honor or speakers lecterns.
scenmästare Employee of the venue in charge of stage facilities.
scensída; utom scenen Area at sides or rear of stage not seen by the audience.
seminarium Meeting or series of meetings of specialists who have different skills but have a specific common interest and have come together for training or learning purposes. The work schedule of a seminar is aimed at enriching the skills of the participants.
sen ankomst garanterad Guest room that is guaranteed by credit card or advance payment if arrival is later than a specified time, usually 6.00 p.m.
sen anmälan Booking received after the stated deadline, usually incurring payment of a penalty fee.
servering från fat Each food item is served by waiter from platter to individual.
service och utbud Items provided by or available from the organizer to enable the customer, delegate or committee to get maximum benefits from an event, such as the provision of secretarial services, cleaning, power, transportation, catering, etc.
session med fria föredrag Reports on particular topics which, while closely related to the subject of a meeting, do not strictly refer to the matters under discussion. They are usually dealt with at a sitting or a session of their own.
show; föreställning Organized performance for entertainment, usually in the evening.
sidhäftning Binding process by which folded sections of book or magazine are laced on top of one another and stiched together from top to bottom.
sightseeingtur; stadsrundtur Outing to landmarks. Note that a "city tour" will necessarily be confined to a given city, whereas a "sightseeing tour" may range more widely.
signalsystem A system for communications between the speaker and the projectionist or between the chairman and the speaker.
simultantolkning Process of translating one language into another while the speaker is speaking, generally using some form of voice transmission installation.
sista anmälningsdag Date by which all those intending to apply to attend an event, submit a paper or request any form of subsidy or grant, must submit their application.
sista avbeställningsdag Designated day when the facility will release a block of rooms to the general public.
självservering från framburna fat Waiter offers food platter to guests who help themselves.
skarm Physical computer device usually based on a cathode-ray tube or liquid crystal display on which information is displayed.
skärmtillverkare Company which fabricates displays.
skickad (till annat hotell) Guest holding confirmed sleeping room reservation sent to another facility because of overbooking.
skiljevägg Movable interior wall.
skolsittning Tables lined up in a row, one behind the other on each side of centre aisle with chairs facing head table.
skolsittning I fiskbenmönster Rows of chairs separated by a centre aisle slanted in a V shape facing head table or speaker.
skolsittning med öar Variant of schoolroom setup in which tables are perpendicular to the head table, and chairs are placed on both sides of the tables.
skrivtavla Hard smooth white surface used for drawing or writing in water-soluble felt pen.
skuld money or goods owing
skutvägg; skiljevägg; skarm Movable barriers that partition large areas into smaller areas. May be sound-resistant, but not necessarily soundproof.
skyltning directional tool of indication providing information as to where people should go
skyltning; skyltar All informational and directional signs required for an event.
slideset set of imagery et in a power point presentation, formerly a collection of slides
slinga; sluten krets Closed electric circuit.
slutligt proram Document containing the definitive meeting and social programme, circulated immediately prior to a meeting or distributed at the commencement of an event.
slutrapport; slutdokument Final summary of meeting events.
slutredovisning Statement of income and expenditure following the end of an event.
Smartphone Is a mobile phone , with more advanced computing ability and connectivity than a contemporary feature phone.
smit-nota ; spring-nota Departing guest who fails to pay for accommodation.
smoking Dinner jacket and formal evening dress; can include national dress.
social middag Non-working evening function at which a meal is served.
Sociala medier refers to the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into an interactive dialogue
Sociala medier Social media is media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques.
Socialt nätverkande The use of a dedicated website to communicate informally with other members of the site, by posting messages, photographs, etc
socialt program; sociala tillställningar Programme of organized events, not directly related to the subject of the meeting.
specialklausul An additional clause in a contract stipulating special requirements, coverage or conditions.
specialpris; företagspris; gruppris Amount charged for the occupancy of a room, usually at a reduced rate and negotiated as a group rate by the meeting organizers.
specifikation; förfrågningsunderlag Complete description of requirements.
speditör Person or company which provides customs clearing services to shippers of goods to and from another country.
split screen Horizontally or vertically separated video pictures shown simultaneously.
sponsorer; bidragsgivare Bodies contributing product or financial support to an event in return for propotion of the company name or logo. Bodies simply allowing their names to be used in endorsement of an event will more usually be referred to as ‘patrons", though the distinction is not rigid.
sponsrad av Supported by… (either financially or otherwise).
sponsring Donated financial or material support.
sporttjänst; aktivitetstjänst A service concerned with arranging sports activities or activities involving physical exertion and skill.
spotlights Adjustable lamps with direct or high intensity light.
springare someone who runs, often between two points, eg a messenger
städning Ä^S^#fi(    L )
städning av monter Cleaning services to individual stand areas.
stående utskott Committee of a permanent nature, defined by organizational by-laws, which meets for a specific purpose.
staffli; skyltställ Three or four-legged stand with a rack used to hold a blackboard, corkboard, magnetic board, sign, chart, etc.
stakeholders those persons or organisations who have an interest in a given project or investment
ställa in skärpan; fokusering Process of adjusting a camera, telescope or the like so as to ensure that the image it provides is sharp.
stand-by Person attempting to travel on a flight without a confirmed reservation.
stapelstol Chairs that nest on top of each other when in storage.
stativ Adjustable support for positioning microphones or lighting fixtures.
stativmonterad mikrofon Microphone mounted on an extension. Often used in Q&A sessions.
stickkontakt Mechanical electrical connector.
stickord A speaker’s prompt
stödpersonal Those persons who work in the congress’ auxiliary services and have been identified by the organizer and the contracted firm (if any) whose names are clearly stated in a previously prepared register.
stödtjänster The services which accompany a meeting (stewards, technicians, interpreters, etc).
stol med skrivskiva Chair with an attached writing surface.
stol utan armstöd Armless chair.
Sträckkodsläsare Is an electronic device for reading printed barcodes, it consists of a light source, a lens and a light sensor translating optical impulses into electrical ones
studiebesók Educational visit to a workplace or manufacturing plant of interest to meeting participants.
studiedag Day devoted to the study of a particular subject or subjects.
studiegrupp Meeting of experts with the purpose of being analysis alone.
styrelse Group of members responsible for establishing and enforcing the rules and regulations of a society or association.
styrelsemöte A meeting of the governing body of an organization.
subventioner; bidrag; anslag Money obtained from bodies or authorities to underwrite expenditure.
svit Combination of interconnecting rooms generally containing a sitting room and double/twin bedroom(s), as well as a bathroom.
Switch A device used to allow for seamless switching between several devices and presentations
symposium Meeting of a number of experts in a particular field at which papers are presented by specialists on particular subjects and discussed with a view to making
table top presentation; (bordspresentation) Small exhibit on tables; often used in combination with posters.
täcker hela staden throughout the city
tal A formal and dignified public discourse.
tal; inlägg Usually formal discourse delivered before an audience.
talare; föredragshållare; föreläsare Someone who delivers a speech or talks at a meeting. The term "lecturer" is restricted to academic contexts.
talarstol Reading stand with slanted top. Can be a tabletop lectern or one which stands on the floor.
talarstolsmikrofon Microphone attached to a lectern.
talesman Person who speaks on behalf of a group.
tält large temporary structure, eg tent, usually whose walls are not solid but canvas
tangent Button on a computer keyboard.
tangentbord The set or row of keys in a keyed machine/instrument.
Tävla Compete is a web-based application that offers users and businesses web analytics and enables people to compare and contrast the statistics for different websites over time.
tävling competition
teach-in; fortbildningsmöte An intensive session specially instituted for the application of such modifications and additions as are necessary to keep a particular subject up-to-date.
team building activity to bring people together to work as a team
teaterreservation Reservation of seats at a theatre.
teatersittning Conference seating where chairs are arranged in rows facing head table, stage or speaker.
teatersittning I halvcirkel Same as auditorium or theatre style except chairs are in a semicircle.
tekniker Expert in particular craft or technique, usually in relation to audiovisual, mechanical or electrical equipment or appliances.
teknikerrum Area from which technician operates sound system in a room.
teknísk genomgång Run-through of technical aspects of a show such a lighting, sound, special effects. Sometimes called "tech-check".
tekniskt besök; teknisk tur Tour to a workplace of interest to meeting participants.
tekniskt möte Groups whose members and suppliers work in scientific, research or applied sciences. USA/Canada: Non-medical meetings of professional organizations.
telefax; fax; telefaxapparat Equipment for sending and receiving facsimiles of printed or pictorial matter by analog or digital transmission either over a telephone line or via a telecommunications network.
telefonanslutning Socket into which a telephone can be plugged for external communication.
telefonkonferens Conference bringing together three or more people in two or more locations using voice-only telecommunications. The term teleconference is sometimes used as a synonym for audioconference although it has a wider meaning.
telefonmöte; telefonkonferens Telephone conversation involving a number of subscribers simultaneously.
telegrambyrå Agency that collects and distributes information to the news media.
telekonferens Generic term for all types of meetings which bring together three or more people in two or more locations through telecommunications. Sometimes specifically means a meeting using voice-only telecommunications as opposed to a videoconference.
telekonferenstolkning Simultaneous interpreting using telecommunications facilities, e.g. via satellite.
telemikrofon Unidirectional type of microphone that accepts only narrow-angle sound.
telenärvaro technology which allows a person to feel as if they were present, to give the appearance of being present, or to have an effect, via telerobotics, at a place other than their true location
teleprompter Electronic device which displays script to the speaker, usually on a screen not visible to the audience.
teleslinga Closed electric circuit within a building or auditorium which relays sound to a hearing aid.
tema fest A special reception or banquet designed around a central motif.
te-paus Short interval between sessions during the morning or afternoon at which tea is served.
terminsäkríngskontrakt A financial instrument guaranteeing a specific rate of exchange in a foreign currency for a future transaction.
Think Tank; expertgrupp A group of specialists organized by a business enterprise, governmental body, etc. and commissioned to undertake intensive study and research into specified problems.
tid för uppmontering Period necessary for the preparation of the conference and exhibition venue before the arrival of the delegates and exhibitors.
tidig ankomst Guests arrival before confirmed reservation date and/or time.
tidig anmälan Registration received before a pre-defined date, usually offering a lower fee.
tidsfrist för nedmontering Day and hour ( deadline) by which stands must be dismantled and exhibition area empty.
Tidslinje Timeline is the new Facebook format for personal profiles. It is essentially a digital scrapbook of a user’s life, displaying their profile in an actual timeline format so they can see at exactly what point in time something a story occurred.
Tidtagarsystem A technology to control the duration of a presentation
tilläggsval 1. Space which is reserved but not yet contracted for. The right of refusal to confirm a tentative space reservation if there is demand from another group. Same as: Tentative Hold.
tilldelad talartid Time given to a particular speaker to make his presentation.
tillfälligt utställningsutrymme Short-term rental space.
tillhörighet Union of a society, firm, or political party with another, but without loss of identity.
titel Denotes person’s rank, office, sex or, in women, matrimonial status.
Tjuvlyssnare A lurker online is a person who reads discussions on a message board, newsgroup, social network, or other interactive system, but rarely or never participates in the discussion.
toalett; wc Samtory convenience.
tolkgrupp A group of people responsible for interpreting simultaneously, usually utilising equipment.
tolkhytt Soundproof cabin in which the interpreter works.
tolkning Oral translation from one language to another.
toppmöte top of, or an international meeting of senior representatives, normally associated at governmental level
totalpris Rate covering all elements in the cost of a room, including gratuities and taxes.
trådbunden tolkanläggning System for the transmission of interpreting by cable or wire.
trådlös mikrofon Portable microphone operating on its own power source.
trådlöst infraröd tolkanläggning Interpreting system operated by radio waves and hence without wire or cable connections to the headsets.
transfer Process of moving people or equipment from one point to another.
transfertid mellan flyg (minimum) Prescribed minimum time to leave one flight and board another. Set by airlines to allow time to transfer baggage.
transport – och utställningsförsäkring This insurance usually covers loss or damage caused deliberately or accidentally by third parties during loading, unloading, transhipment, transport and exhibition.
transportchef; transportsamordnare Person in charge of planning and managing transportation arrangements for participants.
transportmedel Means of transport, i.e. buses, coaches, cars, etc.
trycktillåtelse Word/phrase usually printed at back of title page and bearing signature and date on which publication was approved as ready for press.
T-sittning Series of tables set up in the shape of a T with chairs set all around except at head table.
turism functionality whereby visitors (tourists) are attracted to places (destinations) of historical, cultural or national interest 
turistbyrå Organization which exists to promote a town or country to groups or individuals as a tourist destination.
turisttjänst A service concerned with the organization of excursions which are purely pleasure (cf sightseeing tour).
tvåbäddsrum Room containing two single beds.
Twitterinlägg A screen with live tweets grouped around a hash tag or twitter account to capture and show live social media activity
Twittersökning Twitter Search is a search engine operated by Twitter to search for Twitter messages and users in real time.
under beskydd av Phrase used to indicate endorsement of an event by an eminent individual or body.
under tillsyn av Phrase used to indicate not only endorsement but normally also a measure of responsibility for, or guidance in, the organization of an event.
underhållning Activities performed for the enjoyment of others.
underhållningsprogram Programme of events organized for the entertainment of participants.
underleverantör Company retained by general contractor to provide services.
upphängning Attachment of devices to the frame work of an exhibition hall.
upplaga Number of copies printed.
uppsägningklausu Provision in a contract stating the terms on which the contract may be cancelled.
uppvärmning Activity to liven up the audience prior to show time.
USB-minne Portable storage device, that can hold information for use in electronic equipment
U-sittning Series of tables set up in the shape of a U with chairs set all around.
utbildningsprogram The educational aspects of an event.
utcheckning Procedure for guest departure including account settlement.
utcheckningstid Time at which guests departing on that date should have completed their check-out.
utdelning av dokument Handing out or mailing of documents.
utestående fordran Outstanding invoice not yet paid.
utflykt; exkursion; rundtur Organized outing to a specific place of interest.
utflykter före och efter konferensen Organized outings taking place before (pre-) or after (post-) the working conference for both accompanying persons and delegates.
utflyttning Dates) set for dismantling.
utgångsspråk; källspråk Language from which a speech or document is translated.
utgifter Money paid out.
utomhusutställning Space/stands located outdoors.
utrikesmóte Meeting event not taking place in the country of the originating body.
utrikesmöte; nationellt möte Membership or meeting participation available to organizations or individual from one nation, but able to meet in another nation.
utrustning; resurser; möjligheter Those facilities within the perimeter of the organization where the meeting takes place; it includes the installations and services both in the auditorium and outside.
utskick The action of sending by mail; specifically a number of items posted at one time, especially as a part of a publicity campain, a survey, etc.
utskrift Written copy of spoken material.
utstäliningsplan Plan showing space to be occupied by the exhibition: the areas intended for stands/booths and those for passageways and services.
utställare Company or individual participating in the exhibition with a stand or booth.
utställarförteckning List of exhibiting firms, usually with locations.
utställarkort Identification card to enable exhibitors to gain access to an exhibition.
utställarmanual Book of instructions and information for exhibitors regarding the exhibition venue and services offered by the organizing body.
utställning Event at which products and services are displayed.
utställning med drapering av metallställning Decorating with drapes – Hollow metal pipes are used for support; booth drape is usually 8 feet high.
utställningsansvarig; projektledare för utställning The individual who plans a trade show, reserves the space, markets to exhibitors and promotes attendance by buyers.
utställningsarrangór Company or individual who plans the logistical arrangements in connection with an exhibition.
utställningsarrangör A supplier of exhibition services or goods (eg stand fitting, electrics, furniture, floor covering, labor, drayage signs, etc.).
utställnìngsarrangör The organizer or promoter of an exhibition; responsible for the letting of space, financial control and management of the exhibition; sometimes an agent acting in this capacity.
utställningsgäng; gång Passageway for people to pass between two rows of stands facing each other, between the stands and the walls of a hall or from one level to another.
utställningshall individual room within an exhibition venue.
utställningskatalog Complete alphabetical list of exhibitors, their products and, often, their headquarters and sales points; usually incorporates a floor plan and advertising.
utställningsmaterial Material exhibited by the various exhibitors; such material is usually insured or has its value stated in writing for insurance purposes.
utställningsprospekt; utställningsbroschyr Pamphlet containing information for potential exhibitors and other interested parties on the conditions, technical points, cost of exhibition space and floor plan of the exhibition.
V: evenemang That which happens, an occurrence.
väggpaneler Partition units (walls, doorframes, etc.) in standard sizes, used for building stands in the sizes desired in a given context.
vagn means of transport
val The act of choosing; the power or opportunity of choosing; alternative.
valfri tur Tour which can be purchased by individuals at an additional cost.
valfria evenemang; alternativa arrangemang Additional services/tours, etc. which may be booked or not according to preference.
välkomstdrink Drink served as an introductory gesture of welcome.
välkomstmottagning Reception/party where welcome drinks are served.
valsedel/röstsedel recording of votes
Vänner No, not your pals you play poker with on the weekends. We’re talking Facebook friends. These are individuals you consider to be friendly enough with you to see your Facebook profile and engage with you.
värd Association, corporate body, town or other party that invites an event to take place within or under its jurisdiction.
värdinna Person employed on a temporary basis to work on staff registration and information desks or in meeting rooms at a meeting and generally assist delegates.
värdland Country that invites an event to take place within or under its jurisdiction.
världsmöte Membership or meeting participation available to organizations or individuals from all nations that meet worldwide. The term most commonly applied to this definition is International.
varumässa; produktvisning Display of products.
vattenförsörjning Temporary supply of water to a stand.
ventilation Process of supplying or removing air by natural or mechanical means to or from any space.
verkställande direktör Principal executive officer of a company.
verkställande direktör The principal officer responsible for overall administration of an organization.
versal; stor bokstav Type larger than that used in body of page.
vetenskaplig kommitté Group of people meeting specifically to discuss, supervise and co-ordinate the scientific content of the programme, and who, where appropriate, would select papers from submitted abstracts.
vetenskapligt möte Groups whose members are involved in research or applied sciences and suppliers to those groups.
vetenskapligt program The content of the meeting described in chronological order and generally including the full list of speakers and the titles of their papers.
vetenskapligt sekretariat Administrative staff appointed to process all aspects of the scientific programme of a meeting.
vice ordförande Person selected to deputize for, or assist, the chairman in controlling and managing either a committee or a meeting session.
videobandspelare Equipment for the recording of images and sound on a magnetic tape in the form of a video.
Videoblogg A video blog is a blog the produces regular video content often around the same theme on a daily or weekly basis. An example of a successful video blog is Wine Library TV.
videokassett; videoband Magnetic tape used in video equipment.
videokonferens It allows two or more groups of participants, situated in different locations, to converse while seeing each other and showing, if needed, images, graphics and documents.
Videoöverföring used to relay from one session hall to another hall with both video and audio
videoprojektion Projection of video productions whether by monitors or on large screen.
videoprojektor Equipment used to project a video image on a large screen.
videoskiva Recorded disc containing images and sound.
videospelare Equipment for playing back video and audio signals on magnetic tape.
Viral marknadsföring Viral marketing refers to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives through self-replicating viral processes.
visktolkning The process of interpreting on a simultaneous basis in a low voice to the participants, usually seated next to the interpreter.
vitrin Glass-enclosed case for articles on display.
voucher; värdebevis Ticket which travellers exchange for prepaid services such as accommodation, meals and tours.
walk-in ; direktgäst Guest requesting accommodation or service without a prior notice.
Webbanalys Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis, and reporting of internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage.
Webbcast A media presentation broadcast over the Internet either live or on demand
Webbkamera Is a video camera that feeds its images in real time to a computer or computer network, often via USB, ethernet, or Wi-Fi
wifi technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a wireless LAN (WLAN) network,
workshop Working meeting aiming at finding a solution and a result to some problems or questions pending.
yrke Function or job description within an organization.
yrkeskår Relating to groups whose members work in common fields.
ytterväggsmonter Exhibition space located on an outside edge of exhibition area.