Recognising the best-qualified professional congress organisers and building strong and mutually focused relationships to achieve great results for the meetings and events industry.


Global Branding of Excellence 



Are you a PCO delivering high quality services to your corporate and association clients?

You should consider an IAPCO Membership. How to Apply

PCO - IAPCO Membership

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Consider an IAPCO Membership

IAPCO membership is achieved through accreditation – a unique quality assurance recognised by congress clients and suppliers all over the world.

An IAPCO Accredited PCO is a Professional Congress Organiser or Meeting Planner who administers and brings to fruition the organisation of a congress, meeting, event, or convention in a professional manner.  IAPCO Accreditation often gives a PCO an advantage over a non-IAPCO PCO when bidding for a congress or event.

IAPCO membership is retained through annual quality checks and reviews by the IAPCO Quality Committee.

IAPCO members, through the IAPCO Training Academy, have access to a comprehensive international and regional educational programme for senior and middle management involved in managing congresses.

How to Apply

Convention Bureau/Centre and Meetings Industry Suppliers

Although IAPCO Membership is not available to you, you may wish to consider partnering with IAPCO as a Commercial Partner.

Share your message to our global community and win more business. IAPCO partnership brings significant business development opportunities.

Our multi-layered partnership programme includes commercial, media or strategic opportunities, each of which provides levels of engagement and connectivity across our global community.

IAPCO Members have business for you!

IAPCO members survey 2024 informed us that they have over 8000 events confirmed for 2025 through to 2028. Of those, over 1900 have not yet contracted a venue or selected their host destination.  This provides incredible business opportunities for IAPCO partners.

The relationship developed through IAPCO Partnership ensures our partners remain top of mind as our members help clients decide which cities to consider for their meetings, events and congresses.

IAPCO Partnership

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Member Benefits

  • International brand recognition – IAPCO is known for the strict quality criteria required of its membership
  • Excellent opportunities to network and exchange
  • Access to research and advocacy programmes that raise the profile and professionalism of the work you do
  • Continued excellence monitored by annual assessment programmes
  • Business promotion through the IAPCO newsletter
  • Reduced rates for staff to attend IAPCO quality education including EDGE Seminars
  • Complimentary access to webEDGE (IAPCO’s online learning platform)
  • Discounts on other global meetings industry educational programmes from IAPCO Strategic Partners
  • Access to discounts from suppliers including insurance providers
  • Use of IAPCO logo on business card, website and stationery
  • Informative guidelines, restricted to members only
  • Business opportunities via the requests for IAPCO members received by the Secretariat




Our team is here to help! 

Contact us if you have any queries.