How to Apply

In order to meet the quality criteria of IAPCO, there are various steps in the application process. Our Membership and Quality Manager will be with you every step of the way.

Download the full membership pack



Step 2 - Events Organised

Details of a total of 10 International or National Events organised by the applicant must be completed where the maximum number of services are provided: Intermnational, National or Regional Events whereby 40% or more of the delegates must be from at least 5 or more different countries attended by more than 300 participants. Please note: Core PCO events (the same event, taking place in different years) can only be submitted twice that is, only 2 of your 10 international events, and not more than 3 Core PCO events. The Events can be a combination of International [Regional] Association Congresses; National Congresses; International Governmental Meetings; or International Corporate Meetings [maximum 3 corporate meetings only].

List of Standard PCO Services

Step 3 - References

Client contact details for references must be provided for at least 5 events. IAPCO will contact your 5 references to support your application.
References from IAPCO members will also be sought. If client references are not forthcoming, the Applicant will be asked to ensure that adequate references are received before the application can be further progressed. Additionally, the application fee must be paid in order for the application to progress further.

Step 4 - Future events for site visit

You will need to submit 5 future events that could be considered for a site visit.
  • International, National, Regional Conferences (Association or Governmental) whereby 40% or more of the delegates must be from at least 5 or more different countries attended by more than 300 participants.

At this time, IAPCO’s CEO will conduct a video interview to discuss the Applicant’s business practices.

Step 5 - Site Visit

Appraisal Visit Guidelines

On receipt of satisfactory references, the Applicant will be asked to host, (see guidelines) the appraisal visit by an IAPCO reviewer to the selected Congress/Meeting organised by the Applicant and to the Applicant’s Office. The reviewer's undertaking the appraisal visit will need to participate as a free delegate through the event registration and abstract processes.

During the visit to the Applicant’s Office, the Applicant will be asked to provide:

  • Copies of printed promotional material for their future Events
  • A copy of the Applicant’s Company’s Articles of Association, or other registration document or licence in English
  • Details of the Company Board of Directors and / or Senior Managers and Administrators
  • Access to office procedures, administration and financial information

The Process

A scoring system is in place to assess the application and consideration will be given to:
  • the year in which the congress was held
  • the size of the event and the number of countries of delegates attending
  • the services provided by the Applicant
  • references received from clients and other IAPCO members
  • review of the appraisal visit.
Consideration as to whether the Applicant is a suitable candidate for membership of IAPCO will be taken by the Council as each of the above processes are completed.   If the Applicant, after completing any of the above processes, fails to achieve the required score, the Council will fail the application without proceeding to the remainder of the processes.  In the event that an application is unsuccessful, IAPCO is not required to give any reason or justification as to their decision. In order to maintain quality control where an application for membership has been unsuccessful, the company cannot re-apply for membership for a period of three years unless a specific dispensation is applied to the rejection.

Observer Applications

Becoming an Observer process

Submit Observer Form and become an IAPCO Observer.




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