In order to meet the quality criteria of IAPCO, there are various steps in the application process. Our Membership and Quality Manager will be with you every step of the way.
Complete the Company Membership - Online Application Form in full.
Details of a total of 10 International or National Events organised by the applicant must be completed where the maximum number of services are provided: Intermnational, National or Regional Events whereby 40% or more of the delegates must be from at least 5 or more different countries attended by more than 300 participants. Please note: Core PCO events (the same event, taking place in different years) can only be submitted twice that is, only 2 of your 10 international events, and not more than 3 Core PCO events. The Events can be a combination of International [Regional] Association Congresses; National Congresses; International Governmental Meetings; or International Corporate Meetings [maximum 3 corporate meetings only].
At this time, IAPCO’s CEO will conduct a video interview to discuss the Applicant’s business practices.
Appraisal Visit Guidelines
On receipt of satisfactory references, the Applicant will be asked to host, (see guidelines) the appraisal visit by an IAPCO reviewer to the selected Congress/Meeting organised by the Applicant and to the Applicant’s Office. The reviewer's undertaking the appraisal visit will need to participate as a free delegate through the event registration and abstract processes.
During the visit to the Applicant’s Office, the Applicant will be asked to provide:
Becoming an Observer process
Submit Observer Form and become an IAPCO Observer.