IAPCO Council

IAPCO is administered by a Council consisting of at least eight and up to twelve Company Members (including co-opted), among them a President, a President-Elect or Immediate Past-President and a Treasurer. Members of the Council are elected by the members at the General Assembly each year. The elected members can co-opt up to three other members.

Meet the Council

Sissi Lignou – IAPCO President

Sissi Lignou – IAPCO President

President & CEO, AFEA Congress 39-41 Likavittou str. 106 72, Athens, Greece

Sarah Markey-Hamm – IAPCO Immediate Past-President

Sarah Markey-Hamm – IAPCO Immediate Past-President

CEO, ICMS Pty Ltd Suite 2, 191 Riversdale Road, PO Box 170, Hawthorn VIC 3122, Australia

Jason Yeh – IAPCO Treasurer

Jason Yeh – IAPCO Treasurer

CEO, GIS Group 2F, No. 316, Wenchang St., Xinyi District, Taipei City 11074, Taiwan

Ajay Bhojwani

Ajay Bhojwani

IAPCO Council, Ambassadors Chair, and Regional Managing Director (MEA), MCI Group (UAE)

Limor Cunia – IAPCO Council

Limor Cunia – IAPCO Council

Vice President, Clients & Operations, Kenes Group 1 Mercaz Azrieli Holon, P.O.B. 11, Building D, 26 Harokmim St, Holon 5885849, Israel

Ellen Franck – IAPCO Council

Ellen Franck – IAPCO Council

Partner, Meetagain Konferens AB Torshamnsgatan 35, 164 40 Kista, Sverige, Stockholm, Sweden

Stephen Noble – IAPCO Council

Stephen Noble – IAPCO Council

Manager (APAC), The Conference Company 31C Normanby Rd, Mt Eden, Auckland, 1024, New Zealand

Jimena Ruiz

Jimena Ruiz

IAPCO Council, National PCO Assoc. Task Force​ Chair, and Chief of Staff, BTC Americas

Nicola Testai – IAPCO Council

Nicola Testai – IAPCO Council

CEO, OIC Group Viale della Giovine Italia, 17, 50122 Firenze FI, Italy

Giulia Sarri – Next Gen Committee Chair (Co-Opted Council Member)

Giulia Sarri – Next Gen Committee Chair (Co-Opted Council Member)

Head of Service Design, AIM Communication Viale Enrico Forlanini, 22, 20134 Milano

Roles and Responsibilities of the IAPCO Council 

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The work of the Council is to administer the Association, to ensure that the quality standards as set are maintained, to serve the members and to guide IAPCO as the leading authority on professional congress organisation worldwide. Furthermore the Council is responsible for ensuring that IAPCO fulfils its responsibilities in accordance with the Statutes in a professional manner and in accordance with the laws of the land, and operates in a business-like and financially viable manner.




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