Next Gen Committee

IAPCO's Next Gen Committee has been assembled to bring inter-generational minds together through respectful dialogue to tackle existing and future challenges and opportunities in an evolving industry.

Committee Focus

The IAPCO Next Gen Committee is focused on helping the fresh and forward-thinking voices of the next generation within the industry. The committee gets together once every other month, under the guidance of the current chair, dedicating their efforts to three core objectives: 

  1. To make sure the new generation’s thoughts are heard at the Council level. 

  2. Let younger IAPCO members know all about the Association’s goals and perks. 

  3. To create a safe place where everyone can share their ideas and network. 


Giulia Sarri – Next Gen Committee Chair (Co-Opted Council Member)

Giulia Sarri – Next Gen Committee Chair (Co-Opted Council Member)

Head of Service Design, AIM Communication Viale Enrico Forlanini, 22, 20134 Milano

Estefanía Zárate Angarita

Estefanía Zárate Angarita

MarCom Manager, Kenes Group

Amy Bartlett

Amy Bartlett

Senior Account Manager, Conference Partners International

Gaetano Maria Dieni

Gaetano Maria Dieni

Head of Marketing & Communication, Ega Worldwide congresses & events + Co-Founder & CFO, Positive Closet

Alexy Gargani

Alexy Gargani

Business Developer, AOS – Atout Organisation Science

Alexandros Terzis

Alexandros Terzis

Event Coordinator, ERA Congresses & Events

Takao Fujitani

Takao Fujitani

Business Development Assistant, Japan Convention Services

Elly Butler

Elly Butler

Education Portfolio Manager, Based in the United Kingdom

Contact the Secretariat

IAPCO is administered by a remote office secretariat.

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