About us

The International Association of Professional Congress Organisers (IAPCO) represents the highest level of international professional standards for PCOs. It's the people, our members and community that make the difference. Get to know IAPCO.

Our people



IAPCO is administered by a Council consisting of at least eight and up to twelve Company Members (including co-opted), among them a President, a President-Elect or Immediate Past-President and a Treasurer. Members of the Council are elected by the members at the General Assembly each year. The elected members can co-opt up to three other members.

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Ensuring proper governance and upholding compliance

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Representing IAPCO across the regions we serve

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Training Academy

Setting the standard and delivering training for all levels

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Our Vision 

IAPCO strives to achieve global accreditation and acknowledgment of truly Professional Congress Organisers

Our Mission 

IAPCO’s mission is to raise the standards of service amongst its members and other sectors of the meetings industry by means of continuing education and interaction with other professionals.




Our Members' Core Values

IAPCO is a membership-driven organisation whose members embrace the following Core Values:
  • They are proud of their profession; they live up to the ‘P’ in PCO
  • They get involved; they are a small and active group taking responsibility for their association and the industry at large
  • They are extra-ordinary; they care about delivering the highest quality of professional services and make decisions accordingly
  • They uphold the trust; they have a responsibility to their clients, and to the whole meetings industry, to conduct business in a trustworthy way
  • They set the benchmark; they are at the forefront of innovation within their profession and always strive to improve
  • Learning is essential therefore; education is at the core of their association and everything revolves around it


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Our Aims

  • To further the recognition of the profession of the congress organiser
  • To further and maintain a high professional standard in the organisation and administration of congresses, conferences and other international and national meetings or special events
  • To undertake and promote the study of theoretical and practical aspects of international congresses
  • To establish and maintain effective relations with other organisations concerned in any way with international meetings
  • To develop a programme of educational courses through IAPCO’s Training Academy
  • To offer a forum for PCOs
  • To encourage meetings convenors to seek the assistance of reputable PCOs
  • To provide members with opportunities to exchange ideas and experiences
  • To undertake research work concerning all problems confronting professional organisers of international meetings and to seek and promote relevant solutions

Our Pillars 

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A Global Community of Meeting Professionals making a difference

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Educating for long term Quality and Success in the Meetings and Events Industry

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The Global Voice of the PCO across the Meetings and Events Industry

At IAPCO, we believe in the power of collective expertise to advance the Business Events Industry. Our members form an integral part of our mission to elevate event experiences and industry standards and play a pivotal role in raising standards and bringing innovation within the congress organisation.

The driving force behind IAPCO are the exceptional individuals who are dedicated Council members, the visionary Committees and the influential Ambassadors. Collectively, they form a formidable network committed to shaping the future of congress organization.




Our team is here to help! 

Contact us if you have any queries.